Letting Go of the Age of Illusion

Scott Garry
5 min readJan 24, 2021

As we watch the world not only transform, but “come to an end” in many ways, I’d be remiss to say I’m sad about it. With each passing moment, it seems a layer is shedding, legacy programming is failing, and people are actually waking up. Can you sense the desperation? Or are you actively feeding it? I know the vast majority have entered into the 5 phases of grief, while the few are anxiously awaiting their arrival at acceptance. There was never a normal to return to anyway. Illusions don’t replicate themselves, and without our participation in them, they cease to exist.

Body, Mind, and Spirit?

When I find myself in conversations about life, it’s endless mysteries, and perceived problems, I often end up raising this question: Do you believe you have a body? Yes. Do you have a mind? Yes. Do you have a spirit (soul)? Yes. Almost unanimously, the answer to all three is “Yes.” People generally believe humans are comprised of body, mind, and spirit. The next question is this: Which of the three do we as a society neglect the most? The answer is obvious and usually draws a light response of surrender to acknowledgment. So why? It’s as if our spiritual lives have been suppressed. Even the very mention of spirituality can draw a dismissive ire from some people. Many convolute the meaning with religion, or otherworldly mysticisms and fairy-tale thinking. While some of these very people bloviate with cultish fervor over socially engineered beliefs via the corporate state and all of its arms of propaganda. It really doesn’t have to be this way, what seems fleeting and elusive, isn’t. It’s our lower ego selves that are confusing the outer and inner. The blissful, tranquil, and the serene that we think we want are right here. Now and always.

L to R clockwise; McKenna, Covidiot victim, unknown gypsy, Klaus Schwab.

Social Psychosis

How’s life in the cult? I asked this of a close friend recently. Thankfully he has a great sense of humor, so he just replied by trying to trash my opinions and beliefs with the common ‘conspiracy theorist’ tropes. This is a person that I see as I see the majority; quick to trust the establishment narrative. So much so that they don’t realize there is an established mainstream line and they tend to repeat the talking points with programmed consistency. Given the ongoing events of the Covid saga, using it as an example of the uniformity that cults require in their collective thinking is impossible to avoid. The inversion of reality lies bare for all to see, but it seems only a relatively small minority choose to notice it. So is it the overwhelming majority of people that are critical thinkers? Putting in the time to cross-reference the information they consume to reach the most unbiased and raw account of what may be occurring in the world?

Commoditized Empowerment & Guru Grifters

It’s amazing to see how the crafty snake-oil salesman has morphed into Julie the divorced dating expert and Bill the money manifester. This isn’t representative of legitimately enlightened and very helpful spiritual teachers and practitioners, of course. But it behooves us to use discernment when listening to people in this space, as it does to keenly dissect what is being sold (literally) to us as newsworthy stories. What motivates us into the realm of ‘self-help’ is always a desire to improve our lives on an emotional, mental, or spiritual level. Kinda like realizing that another pair of pumps or sneakers just ain’t cutting it anymore. It’s a distinct and very profound moment of actualization for us. The issue we often run into is where to begin. So it is with any creative endeavor; starting is the hardest part. And stepping into a new spiritual life is stepping into the most creative project of our lives.

Breakdown to Ascend

There are many social stigmas attached to individual mental and emotional health. In a morally inverted world consciousness, it’s no wonder that addictive behavior patterns have emerged as norms. But with some introspection, it becomes clearer that so many of us who face scrutiny as mentally unsound, unstable, or simply “crazy” are actually going through a personal metamorphosis which often leads to a life of inner-peace and wider acceptance of uncontrollable outer world events. Deconstructing the mental and emotional barriers that are blocking us from freely accessing our inner-being is not fun work. In reality, it’s the most painful thing an individual can experience. And the further we’ve embedded ourselves into our illusory experience, the more difficult the breakdown will be, logically.

Shatter the Ego

As my 8th-grade history teacher used to say when he was desperately trying to get our attention, “Listen up now, this is the whole ball of wax here.” We never listen. But at some point in our lives, be it now or amid our last breath, we all become aware that our ego is not our true self. It’s great to be aware, but without actionable effort to nurture our inner being and diminish the influence of our ego, our persistent cycles will churn on. The inevitable recognition of consciousness begets further and deeper examinations of consciousness. Such to the point where the individual begins to function naturally in this state that is other than egocentric. Naturally, there is a tipping point for each of us. When the old, ego-driven self cannot keep up the charade any longer, the inertia of source energy overrides the former and freedom takes over. Our inner-being is now the conscious driver. Once we recognize and begin to consciously wield this power in our daily lives, the uncertainties and unknowns of the future can be viewed through a lens of excitement rather than worry. We’ve ascended and have returned to our rightful understanding of our place in nature as creators. Let’s step out of the illusions of our former collective self and create our next chapter without the help of misanthropic psychopaths. This next chapter is for us.



Scott Garry

Scott is an American expat writer/musician and language instructor